Professional Services

If you offer professional services to clients who rely on you for your expertise, you owe a duty of care to them. While most professionals strive to provide the best possible service, people do make mistakes. A mistake could potentially lead to legal action as well as disciplinary proceedings against you.

Why NZI for your insurance?

Some Professions who may need Professional Indemnity cover?

  • Accountants
  • Surveyors
  • Management and Business Consultants
  • Medical and Health workers
  • Creative Services
  • IT Consultants
  • Financial/Investment Advisors

Products that cover you and your business

Professional Indemnity

Professional Indemnity insurance can cover the legal costs of investigating and defending an allegation made against you, including damages awarded. It can also cover legal costs for disciplinary proceedings if a complaint is made to a professional body. Our Professional Indemnity policy cover allows you to practice with confidence.

Public (broadform) Liability

Provides cover for damage to another person’s property or personal injury, caused by you or your product.

Statutory Liability

Covers a business for legal defence costs and some fines (other than Health and Safety) for unintentional breaches of many New Zealand Acts.

Cyber Cover

Covers a business for many of the costs associated with a breach of its systems such as IT forensic or security consultants and associated legal costs.

Directors and Officers

Covers directors and business executives for liability and defence costs associated with legal action in connection with their management duties.

Ready to get cover?

We partner with insurance brokers who provide specialist advice and support, so you get the right cover for your business.

Professional Services FAQs

Who needs Professional Indemnity insurance?

Anyone that is in the business of offering advice, design or consultancy services of any kind should have Professional Indemnity protection. It’s a common misconception that only traditional professions such as accountants, architects, doctors, engineers and lawyers need Professional Indemnity cover.

If I take out Professional Indemnity insurance for the same duration as my contract, or cancel my insurance after a contract ends, will I be insured if I am sued for that work after the contract ends?

Any advice given or services you undertake while working as a consultant or contractor can lead to you being sued for that work after the contract ends. If you do not continue to buy Professional Indemnity cover after the contract ends, you won’t be protected if a claim is made against you outside of the period of insurance. You can protect yourself by making sure you keep your Professional Indemnity insurance cover going.

What is included in Professional Indemnity cover?

Professional Indemnity insurance protects you and your business by providing cover for legal costs arising from an allegation made against you for any perceived error or omission in advice you have provided. It also covers damages that are awarded by a court arising from an action, or the cost of settling the claim.

It can also cover some costs associated with:

  • Court attendance
  • Disciplinary proceedings
  • Dishonesty of employees
  • Fair Trading Act breaches
  • Unintentional breach of intellectual property rights
  • Public relations expenses