What we cover
New Zealand is a country of proud home owners. Our homes say a lot about us: where we’re from, what we believe in and how we want others to perceive us. The bad news is, many New Zealanders are underinsured.
That’s why we want to work with you and together with your broker to get an accurate Sum Insured in place for your home.
Replacement Home Insurance
When you take out a replacement home insurance policy, such as Distinction, Echelon, Essence, Supersurance, or Houseowners with replacement value cover, your broker will ask you for your total sum insured or work with you to figure this out. This is the maximum amount payable, (with any applicable excesses deducted from that amount), to repair, rebuild or replace your home in the event of a loss such as from a fire or earthquake.
It’s important to have the right figure in place because, if you don’t, you may not have enough cover to rebuild or repair your home to the quality and size it once was, or you may need to contribute towards the cost of repairs or the rebuild. The figure covers labour, materials, demolition, consents and other fees associated with rebuilding and repairing the home to its equivalent size and quality.
Your total sum insured amount also needs to include professional fees and removal of debris, and take into account rising building costs, inflation and any changes you’ve made to your home.
Present Value Home Insurance
If you have a present value Houseowners Home Insurance policy and your home is damaged by an event specified in the policy, we’ll pay the lesser of the cost to repair your home to its pre-loss condition or our estimate of the reduction in the present value of the home caused by the loss– i.e. the estimated price you’d likely receive if you sold your home (excluding the land, which we don’t insure) – up to the total sum insured you set (less applicable excess(es)), so you’ll need to keep this up-to-date.
We’ll base our payment on your home’s condition and market value prior to the damage occurring.
A great tool to help estimate your total sum insured for your Distinction, Echelon, Essence, Supersurance, or Houseowners (with replacement value cover), policy is the Cordell Sum Sure calculator. It’s easy to use and doesn’t take a lot of time. The rebuild cost generated by the calculator is based on the estimated cost to rebuild your home and includes allowances for professional fees, demolition, removal of debris and GST based on today’s prices. It won’t account for potential increases in future building costs (i.e. inflation) though, so you should factor this in and review it regularly to ensure your sum insured remains up-to-date.
Your use of the calculator is subject to terms and conditions, which you can find when you open the calculator. The estimated rebuild cost is a guide only and is not intended to replace a professional valuation or quantity surveyor estimate. Not all prepopulated information provided by the calculator will necessarily be accurate for your house and it is your responsibility to correct any inaccurate information. You must decide whether the estimate is appropriate or if you should amend it based on your knowledge of your house and property.
Note: the Cordell Sum Sure calculator should be used as a guide for replacement policies only. For professional advice in establishing a present value sum insured, talk to your broker, or contact a Registered Valuer.
Replacement home insurance
The figure you have for your total sum insured needs to cover all aspects of a rebuild:
All of this can be easily estimated using the Cordell Sum Sure calculator or talking to your insurance broker to organise a valuation professional to help you come up with a more accurate estimate.
Present value home insurance
A present value Houseowners home policy covers your home for its present value, for certain events specified in your Policy Wording. Your total sum insured should be based on what your home is worth today, with consideration for its condition and age. The present value of a home can be calculated by using the market value of the property – i.e. the estimated price it would likely sell for – less the value of the land, which we don’t insure. For professional advice in establishing a present value sum insured, talk to your broker, or contact a Registered Valuer.
Additional cover
Remember to include any recreational features (such as swimming pools and tennis courts), retaining walls or special features (like a bridge or cable car) that would increase the market value or rebuild cost of your home. You may need to purchase additional cover for these, so tell your broker if you have any. Make sure you check your Policy Wording for everything you need to include in your sum insured.
When it's time to take out home insurance or renew your current policy, you should work with your broker to consider the amount your home needs to be insured for. It’s good to get into the habit of reviewing your sum insured when your home insurance policy comes up for renewal, or when making improvements and renovations to your home.
Although we may automatically adjust your sum insured for increases in construction costs or property market values at your policy’s renewal, it doesn’t account for any changes or additions you may have made to your property like a pool or granny flat or necessarily reflect the actual change in the replacement or present value of your home. You are responsible for choosing all sums insured that apply to your policy.
If you have bought a house, it’s important not to rely on the purchase price to determine your sum insured. If you have recently built a house, you could use a recent build cost, however you need to consider all parts of your home that are covered by the policy such as paths and fencing, as well as costs for demolition and site clearing. You also need to consider inflation that might have occurred since that build cost was agreed and any further inflation that may occur over the course of your policy period. If you think your current sum insured amount is too low, we encourage you to work with your broker. They will let us know if there are any changes you want to make.
This calculator provides an estimate Sum Insured for your home but the final decision is yours, so if you think your amount is not correct you can change it. This is general information and is not a recommendation, opinion or guidance. If you would like a recommendation please contact a registered valuer or quantity surveyor. This calculator information does not provide any advice or opinion on the extent or adequacy of the cover provided by Sum Insured insurance. This information is not personalised financial advice and does not take into account your particular situation. You must make your own decision on the Sum Insured that is appropriate for your circumstances.
The Cordell Sum Sure calculator is an independent tool. NZI doesn’t have access to the information you enter, or access to the estimate that it produces, so if you’d like to adjust your home’s Sum Insured, or add additional cover for retaining walls, Recreational Features like swimming pools and tennis courts or Special Features like bridges, you’ll need to contact us. It’s your responsibility to ensure that your Sum Insured is adequate.